
If you are a member of the Settlement Class and you wish to keep your right to sue any of the Defendants about the claims alleged and settled in this case, you must exclude yourself (“Opt-out” of the Settlement). If you exclude yourself, you will not get any money from the Settlement. You may not submit a Claim Form if you exclude yourself from the Settlement.

In order to opt out of the Settlement Class and keep your individual rights, if any, to sue the Defendants, you must send a written request that includes the following:

  1. Your full name, current mailing address and telephone number;
  2. A statement saying that you “request exclusion from the HHDC Settlement Class in the case entitled Dorothiene Hill v. Hispanic Housing Development 17-CH-07774 (Cir. Ct. Cook Cty.)”;
  3. State the dates during which you were a resident at one or more of the Properties and the unit number in which you were a resident (if you recall this information); and
  4. Be signed and dated by you or your representative.

To be valid, exclusion requests must be postmarked on or before JUNE 3, 2021, and mailed to:

HHDC Settlement Exclusions
c/o The Notice Company
P.O. Box 455
Hingham, MA 02043

Because Settlement Class Members who co-leased their units hold their claim jointly, the opt-out by any Settlement Class Member who co-leased their unit with another Settlement Class Member will operate as an opt-out by all Settlement Class Members for that unit.

No request for exclusion will be considered valid unless all of the information described above is included. No further opportunity to request exclusion will be given in this Litigation unless ordered by the Court.

If you choose to be excluded from the Settlement Class, you are not:

  • entitled to an Individual Settlement Payment as described above;
  • bound by any judgment entered in the Litigation; and
  • precluded by the Settlement from otherwise prosecuting an individual claim against Defendants, if timely, based on the matters complained of in the Litigation.